Websites on mobile devices

Wix vs Professional Web Development

When creating a website for your business, there are several free options that will catch your eye. Platforms like Wix or Squarespace promote their free website builder that helps you get started on making a unique online experience for potential customers, and they have additional features at low prices. They provide you with many templates and extras like email marketing and tools to create social media content. These are all great features, but let’s take a look at some of what you’re missing out on with these types of platforms.

Wix and Squarespace provide many template options to start building your website to fit your vision. This means choosing your color scheme and font design. Once you are satisfied with the outline of your website, you will be unable to change templates. Wix and Squarespace do not give you the ability to tweak and improve your website’s templates over time making them less flexible and personable to use. 

HTML code screenshot, tilted

Aside from your website’s looks, search engine optimization (SEO) and a domain name is extremely important. As an entrepreneur you want your business to gain as much traffic as possible. Wix and services like it have technical limitations that can hinder a site’s SEO, making it harder to show up well in Google. The free services also do not always allow you to connect a domain name to your website.  This is one of the biggest cons as a domain name gives your business credibility and can improve your site’s online visibility and promotion. Although Wix and Squarespace do have paid plan options you can choose from to have more control of your website, why not choose a service that allows you to do all of these things from the get go?

Clayburn.Digital provides digital marketing and web design services. If you choose Clayburn.Digital your website will be fully managed by us keeping your goals in mind to build your ideal business website. This goes from domain registration to web hosting. Unlike Wix or Squarespace we do not have technical limitations that will affect your SEO or limit your vision. Your website will have a better opportunity to show up in a Google search, and it can have the full functionality you need to get the job done. Our team uses their digital marketing expertise to make it easy to integrate your website with your other marketing efforts from social media to advertising.

Having an easy to use content management system is important to us. We use software such as WordPress, which gives website owners a simple way to edit and create content on the site, similar to how you might do with Wix or other services. Your site’s performance can also be tracked to show you how well you are doing or if you need to make some changes. We make the design process quick and easy for you!

We live in a digital world. Having a website for your business is something you shouldn’t overlook. So when you are trying to decide what’s best for your business’ online presence, choose a service that will match your goals. 

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